What Holy Fire Redeeming Believes
Welcome to Holy Fire Redeeming, where passion meets purpose in the pursuit of positive change. We are more than just a nonprofit organization; we are a community-driven force dedicated to transforming lives and making a lasting impact on our world.
Our Mission
We envision a world where the flames of justice burn brightly, where compassion is the driving force behind every decision, and where the marginalized and undeserved find safety and support. Holy Fire Redeeming strives to be a beacon of hope, illuminating the path towards a more equitable and compassionate society.
Our Vision
Our vision is to help those incarcerated return to society and lead successful lives. We teach them that they can be:
H – Holy
O – Obedient
L – Lovingly
Y – Yielded
F – Freely
I – Indentured
R – Radically
E – Empowered
Individuals once again.
Our Impact
From the beginning, Holy Fire has endeavored to touch the lives of those incarcerated. By providing fellowship, love and support, and above all else a listening ear. Our stories of success are a testimony of the fingerprint of God on His ministry. Have those we helped fell down? Yes, but each time we are there to pick them back up again.

together lets Make a Difference