Holden Acres Update

Current Updates and Needs

This section is designed to help each of you understand what is currently transpiring at our Alvarado location, as well as some of our needs.

We just received confirmation from Johnson County, Texas that our property is now tax exempt. Praise the Name of Jesus!!! The land is 100% paid for absolutely zero mortgage. We are officially recognized as an (ARH) Approved Resource Housing for TDCJ. Thank you Jesus! We are running a Christian based program at this location. Some of the things that will be taught are the following: Finance classes (Monday), Celebrate Recovery (Tuesday and Thursday), Experiencing God (Wednesday), after completion of Experiencing God will be starting Every Man’s Battle: Winning the battle over sexual temptations.

Five men have come home. Please keep them in your prayers as transitions are always challenging. We are asking prayers for the following: obtaining a great job, setting up a physician for each of them, and of course teaching them to work toward a purchase of their own vehicle. We have found two businesses that are willing to hire ex-felons that we are bringing home. The much needed transportation will allow them to obtain employment.

1). Two of our five men have secured jobs. Please pray that they will use the money wisely.

2). We will be adding a wall to the front edition and turning it into the fourth room. This room will allow us to bring two more men home.

3). Finances are still a need for the following: vehicle (the LORD said make your request known to Him, and we desire working vehicles to transport men to church and work), someone has promised a vehicle to us. Simply waiting for everything to come together. We will also need a new septic system to accommodate all of the men of the house.

4). The plumber has completed the entire house and we now have, not one but two working bathrooms. Doesn’t sound like much until you’ve lived in a half way house with eight men and one bathroom.

5). The siding and under skirting is complete. This will aid in keeping the pipes from freezing.

Your prayers are desperately needed, however, prayer alone will not accomplish this task. We truly appreciate each donations, but we believe that if others would be willing to donate $50 or $100 regularly each month for only a year will be able to move forward to our second house.

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