Our Work

Discover how our non-profit organization works towards building a better world through our impactful programs and initiatives.

Every small act of kindness creates a ripple of positive change.

The doors are open for creating positive changes in their lives. We offer individual rooms at our resident home to men who have had cellmates for years. They now have the freedom to make their own decisions and, of course, we aide in helping them make the right choices!

How we work

We collaborate with local communities, volunteers, and donors to achieve our goal of making a meaningful impact on people’s lives. Our non-profit organization strives to make a positive difference in society by supporting those in need.

Proofing our impact

We are committed to transparency and accountability which is why we regularly share our impact reports with our partners. Our non-profit organization’s work is evidence-based, and we consistently strive to improve our impact through innovative solutions.

Once a man is released to one of our homes, his new home. We asked them to participate in a one year program. Through this we help them through several different phases.

  1. Finding suitable medical care.
  2. Direct them to government assistance programs that are available to them.
  3. Decompression: Relax for the first 30-days. The pressure to “get back into the world” can be very taxing.
  4. Assist them in finding the necessary treatment programs established by their parole officer, if they are still on parole.
  5. Share with them the accountability ingrained in their first year with us.
  6. Direct them to a home church. (The first 60 days a man is required to attend Holy Fire’s home church.) After that they are encouraged to find their own home church, or stay where they are planted.
  7. Begin financial planning. Most men do not understand all that is required financially once there are released. They have lived without paying the basic necessities of life: housing, electrical, insurance (personal and vehicle), and even food.
  8. Assist with job placement. We are in the process of teaming up with local businesses that will provide an opportunity for men upon their release. Two company have already stated that they are willing to give our men a second chance.

You might notice that job placement is last on our list. The reason for this is the following: a man cannot be successful until we have helped them to finalize all aspects of their re-entry.

Help us reach our goals

One of our goals is to create additional housing opportunities for men being released. In addition, we are seeking to create an RV park where men can settle down for a little bit and not be pressured into qualifying for a house or an apartment.

Sometimes, although not always, housing areas will unfortunately shun men recently released from incarceration.

The RV park will provide an opportunity for men who have successfully completed the program to call a place their own.
Partner with us in creating a safe and affordable housing for men to live and call home.

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